
Time for change on county commission

2 min read

To the editor:

I, too, agree with Mr. Creighton in favoring Mayor Feichthaler for the Lee County Commission. Contrary to Peter Hare’s typical diatribe, our mayor does have the background and professionalism to serve on this board. Hare intimates that the mayor is not a serious candidate and is challenging a “long-time, well-respected incumbent; showing lack of political judgment.” Perhaps Mr. Hare needs to get out and speak with more of our citizens who strongly disagree and are ready for change.

We need someone on the commission who can be more open to the needs of our large city. Someone who can look past the needs of the city of Sanibel. It’s time Lee County recognizes its reputation for not working in tune with its cities and towns.

Regarding Mr. Janes, it was he who added to the commission’s agenda the topic of the Ceitus boat lift without notifying our officials who were prevented from any rebuttal or opinion. It was reassuring to hear Mr. Judah speak at the March 31 Cape council meeting regarding this matter as, in my opinion, he is the only professional on that commission. I hope the voters on the Cape will speak out at election time for Eric Feichthaler, Lee County commissioner. It’s time for a “good” change!

Carol Jurkowski

Cape Coral