
Council wrong on manager evaluation

2 min read

To the editor:

Terry Stewart has done an outstanding job as Cape Coral’s city manager! For council members to pompously criticize Mr. Stewart, after only working with him for four months, reflects a sad commentary and certainly is an indication of poor and unfair governing ability on the part of those who voted less than excellent.

Fair, bright, articulate, experienced. These are the appropriate characterizations for Mr. Stewart. Obviously, some on the council don’t understand why they are there. The job is not to throw stones at the city manager and his very professional staff, or to make a difficult job harder, or to side with a few unprofessional loud mouths and act as their puppets, while disrupting operations. This won’t help and it only serves to divide the city and hinder progress. It’s unreasonable to expect any manager to receive agreement from all council members, the mayor, and 165,000 residents. It’s also unreasonable to expect the city manager to be 100 percent right on ever issue; it’s more than dopey to think that is possible.

Terry Stewart has managed well. He has built an outstanding team of professionals. He deserves our respect and our appreciation.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral