
Good things happen when you band together

2 min read

To the editor:

On March 24, city council chamber was packed with about 100 residents from Southwest Cape. Why? They were protesting a city code that would force them to remove all 200 royal palms from the city’s right of way between the road and power lines. After listening to many residents from the area, Councilman Eric Grill offered to rewrite the ordinance.

Good for Mr. Grill! He’s taking the bull by the horns. I know that many of you did not think that anything would happen. Good things do happen when you band together.

I was really glad to see so many people at the city council meeting, however, was rather saddened when everyone left abruptly. I would encourage every one of you to attend more city council meetings. The decisions made by the mayor and the council affects everyone’s checkbook. You need to be there, voicing your concerns how your money is being spent! Don’t just let the “powerful” spend your hard-earned money without your consent. City government is about a billion dollar business, and we must and should hold our leaders accountable for each and every penny! I’m sure our elected officials are trying their best, even though they’re overworked and underpaid.

Let’s show up at the city council meetings, and if we all band together, “help them” make Cape Coral a better place to live for you and me. We need your input; more now than ever before!!

Erick Kuehn

Cape Coral