
Elite forces will bring our troops home faster

2 min read

To the editor:

Get out of Iraq or stay in? I don’t say that we should withdraw all of our troops post haste (although it is likely in the next 18 months or so). It couldn’t happen that fast, even if the decision was made today.

We could have drawn down troops years ago if we had replaced them with our elites (SEALS, Green Berets and Rangers). Such force multipliers would have been many times more effective than regular and reserve troops that we are now relying on. (After five years, attrition alone should have shifted statistics to show “progress.”)

Those poor guys fighting in Iraq are still saddled with Keviar helmets and are loaded for bear on every assignment. (Didn’t Vietnam teach the brass anything?)

Why no substantial numbers of elites over there? The Pentagon has always vehemently opposed any elite troops (open secret). Even Schwartzkoff had to be eventually convinced to use them in the first Mideast foray.

I strongly suspect that the Iraqis are not thoroughly convinced that they want democracy, nor are they willing or able to defend themselves.

As a career veteran and long Mideast resident, I say there has to be a better way, folks!

Wayne K. Hood

Cape Coral