Another view
To the editor:
Oh, yeah, on March 15, Dave Huck was pretty slick to use Satan as a scapegoat to mask his confusion on certain current national and world problems. (I’ll again have to set things straight.)
Encouraging large families was a good thing in yesteryear, because the kids could help out on the farm. Not so today, since children are quite expensive for most of us to raise (try three).
Then there was “killing babies,” which is against the law; however, what was implied is about “fetuses,” which is not against the law (either secular or biblical). Read Exodus.
Oh, I will agree that we could use more nuclear power plants, oil refineries and such, but when people say “not in my back yard,” then I have to respect that, too.
So if we don’t help the poor (as Jesus always did), then what is the alternative? Should we just let them starve, or maybe “just eat cake?” We all know that crime is increasing and lives are wasted. I don’t have a solution to that, but eliminating welfare and putting more folks on the street isn’t the way.
As for killing off both of those old caribou on the North Slope, not to mention hastening the extinction of the polar bears and other wild life that have no place else to go, there is a geological estimate that said there isn’t enough oil there to even drill economically. Obviously, it isn’t more oil that we need, but better controls on efficiency and pricing. (You might have noticed that supplies are now adequate, but prices are still going through the roof!)
Finally, if “In God We Trust” has been removed from the new presidential dollar coins, then there are lots of dealers and collectors out there who haven’t heard about it. Inspect the edge markings on those coins.
Wayne K. Hood
Cape Coral