
Endorsements: Race: Property Appraiser; Vote Ken Wilkinson

2 min read

Lee County Property Appraiser Ken Wilkinson, who handily staved off a challenge in the Republican primary, is asking general election voters for another term in office.

Mr. Wilkinson has our vote. He has earned it.

A maverick long before the moniker became a label proudly worn by blaze-new- ground politicians, Mr. Wilkinson stands for tax relief, and he has dedicated his career to that credo.

Known as the father of “Save Our Homes,” Mr. Wilkinson was the driving force behind the state constitutional amendment that capped the taxable valuation of owner-occupied properties at 3 percent per year. Homeowners have benefited since 1992.

Save Our Homes protection proved to be a lifesaver during the recent real estate boom when spiraling, speculator-driven valuation increases threatened to tax unprotected residential property owners out of their homes and commercial property owners out of business.

While local taxing entities poured pretty rhetoric into the public arena to try to get Save Our Homes overturned, Mr. Wilkinson fought against the tide and proposed that this very real protection against governmental tax-and-spend excess be made “portable” so the owners of small residential properties could take their tax savings with them when they moved.

Voters overwhelmingly agreed and “portability” also is now an imbedded constitutional right in the state of Florida, thanks largely to the efforts of Mr. Wilkinson and like-minded advocates who put the interests of the taxpaying public first.

We remain strong supporters of Mr. Wilkinson, whom we endorsed in the primary. We endorse him again in the Nov. 4 general election race for Lee County property appraiser.

— Also running: John Glaser, a Democrat, and Larry St. Amand, no party affiliation.