
Endorsements: Race: Lee County Sheriff; Vote Mike Scott

2 min read

To say Sheriff Mike Scott was victorious in the Republican primary is a little like saying Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Chief Gall won the Battle of Little Big Horn. It was a pummeling of embarrassing proportion at the ballot box with Sheriff Scott culling more than 90 percent of the vote.

For those who were taking wagers that November would be a rout of similar proportions, things changed quicker than one can say Michael Joseph Scott after the sheriff spoke at a political rally and found himself embroiled in a brouhaha on a national scale.

Nonetheless, Sheriff Mike Scott remains the best qualified candidate in the race for Lee County sheriff and it is without hesitation that he receives our endorsement in the general election.

Sheriff Scott is an articulate leader for Lee County law enforcement, and, as we have learned, a very human face behind the uniform he proudly — and unapologetically — wears.

Among his accomplishments are increased community policing, made possible with a re-alignment in district staffing, additional offices as well as the addition of various units throughout Lee County including an anti-crime unit in Lehigh Acres and a Marine Office in Cape Coral.

As a 20-plus year law enforcement veteran, Sheriff Scott also is the best qualified candidate to deal with the issues ahead — the likelihood of continuing budget challenges; increased crime as the result of a declining economy; and the management issues associated with the operation of a new $53 million jail addition that boosts bed count substantially.

He has earned our vote for re-election to the second term he seeks.

We endorse Sheriff Mike Scott in the Nov. 4 general election race for Lee County Sheriff.

— Also running: Christian Meister, no party affiliation