
Cape Council looks at ‘branding’ Lake Kennedy Racquet Center

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Cape Coral City Council is expected to vote on the “branding name” for the Lake Kennedy Racquet Center Wednesday.

“The Courts, Cape Coral, FL,” if adopted, will be used as the center’s branding logo and utilized by Sports Facilities Management, LLC, which operates the city facility.

By consensus, Council gave a nod to the logo option that showcases “the high energy, youthful side” of being in Florida.

The image has horizontal lines with orange at the top, yellow, and then blue with palm trees and a moon in the background.

Also on Wednesday’s agenda:

• Ordinance, 3-25, to control access to city-owned, controlled, and leased property. Agenda documents state that the ordinance “provides for recognition that certain areas of city-owned, controlled, and leased property may require regulation of public access to provide for the security and privacy of public visitors, to provide for the security and privacy of city employees and officials, and to minimize potential disruptions to the work of city government.”

It also states that “to request a person be subjected to trespass if an individual is breaking the facility rules or engaging in unconsented recording refuses to cease the behavior or depart the city property.”

The Wednesday, Feb. 5, meeting will start at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. The meeting is open to the public.