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City charter schools superintendent to provide update

Policy changes also to be presented Tuesday

By MEGHAN BRADBURY - | Mar 4, 2021

A “State of the Charter Schools” presentation and a new policy addressing facial coverings during a pandemic/epidemic are among the topics that will be discussed during the City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority governing board meeting Tuesday.

The March 9 City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority regular governing board will take place at 5:30 p.m., in Cape Coral City Council Chambers, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd., or can be viewed by watching CapeTV.

The superintendent’s report, the “State of the Charter Schools” presentation by Superintendent Jacquelin Collins will include an overview of the charter school’s COVID-19 anniversary dashboard; business operations; academic and student affairs; Strategic Plan initiatives, as well as a recap of the system’s “Spring 2021 Education Plan and Assurances.”

Oasis Charter Schools Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Kathleen Paul-Evans said the NEOLA policies are revised, adopted, obsolete as statuary legislative regulations demand, which may be done annually, or many years out.

“It just depends, for example, this year some policies addressed COVID-19/pandemic and health and safety policies,” she said.

NEOLA is a service provider which works with more than 1,200 superintendents and school boards in Florida, according to the Florida School Board’s Association.

Although there are many policies that have previously been adopted and revised, there is one new policy, 8450.01 that deals with protective facial covering during pandemic/epidemic events, that will also be discussed.

The policy outlines such areas as the superintendent may activate the policy of wearing a face mask, or covering; what a face covering and mask should be; exceptions to the use of the coverings; use of face shields; possible accommodations to employees who request not to wear a covering or use of a face shield and any person asked to remove a face mask or covering for identification and security purposes.