Cape youth’s poster places in state, world Kiwanis competition; Created as a fifth-grader
A Cape Coral student was recognized by the Harney Point Kiwanis Club on Wednesday night for winning first place in the state and second place across the world for her Kiwanis K-Kids Poster Contest.
Lindsey Meyer, 11, was in the fifth-grade at Cape Elementary when she first designed her poster showing people from all over the world holding hands in unity. This year’s theme was how students can help people around the world, she explained.
It took a year for Lindsey’s teacher and sponsor, Shannon Barone, to realize that Lindsey’s poster had gone through the district competition and placed on the state and world levels. By the time Lindsey received the news she was attending Challenger Middle School.
“I actually forgot about it. It was so long ago,” said Lindsey.
Barone explained that Lindsey’s poster will not only be framed at the Cape Elementary media center, but will also be featured as the logo on new materials sent from the Kiwanis to local schools.
Each year her students participate in contests hosted by Kiwanis, she said, including those where students create posters, essays and art projects.
Lindsey, who attended Wednesday night with her mother Angela Meyer, was later recognized by the club.
The Kiwanis have 17 clubs throughout Lee County, explained Lt. Governor of Division 19 Kathy Woolston.
“We hope to develop kids interests in community service,” said Woolston. “Each club sponsors schools near where the clubs meet.”
Students participate in the annual contests and organize canned food drives, create cards that are sent to local nursing homes and work on beautification projects in their schools, she said.
The Harney Point club has seven sponsored clubs including Key Clubs in Mariner High and Ida S. Baker High, Builder’s Clubs in Gulf Middle and Trafalgar Middle, and K-Kids in Cape Elementary and Oasis Elementary. Clubs meet before, during and after school.
Recently, the Kiwanis chartered the Aktion Club at Mariner High for mentally handicapped students, and Christa McAuliffe Elementary is currently working toward receiving a charter.
On Oct. 25 the Kiwanis will host the 11th Annual Fall Kids Festival at Jaycee Park. The festival promotes children’s health and safety.
There will be food, crafts, local retailers, government offices and non-profit agencies in attendance, said Donna Williamson, a member of Harney Point.
“It’s a big event. We had 8,000 people there in the past,” said Williamson.
Admission will be a canned good and parking is $2 per car, she said. There will be a rock wall, giant slide and petting zoo. For more information, visit:
“It’s meaningful to kids in Cape Coral,” said Williamson.