Democratic VP nominee to make campaign stop; Biden set to speak at Alico Arena
With 28 days to go before the general election, Southwest Florida is becoming a favored campaign stop for vice presidential nominees.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, of Delaware, will be at Alico Arena today for a campaign gathering two days after his counterpart on the Republican ticket, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, visited the Germain Arena in Estero. Biden also held an event in Fort Myers last month.
“We have a man who’s going to be talking on the economy,” said Lee County Democratic Party Chairman Ray Troy. “He’ll be speaking on the facts and talking about issues.”
Troy said the campaign has gotten negative in recent days, but Biden will stick to issues of substance, not distractions.
“He doesn’t like negative campaigning,” Troy said. “What we’re running this campaign on is nothing but the issues.”
Troy said his office will be pushing to get out the vote in the next few weeks with phone calls and door-to-door visits.
Biden will make a stop in Tampa this morning before coming to Fort Myers. Florida and its 27 electoral votes are seen by both campaigns as a crucial swing state. A candidate must garner 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.
Democratic campaign offices in Fort Myers, Immokalee and Naples ran out of tickets Tuesday, but those interested in tickets can get them online at:
The event is scheduled to start at 5:30 p.m.