
Dated Clubs

4 min read

Cape Coral

New Resident Club

The Cape Coral New Resident Club will hold a coffee social as part of its May membership drive at 7 p.m., May 20, at a private residence. The new members social is held on the third Tuesday of every month.

Reservations are required and available by calling 772-4490.

The club will hold a dinner/dance on Saturday, May 24, at the Yacht Club. The dinner dance is held the fourth Saturday of every month. Tickets are $18 per person and must be purchased no later than noon on Tuesday, May 20.

Any resident who has lived in Cape Coral for less than 3 years is eligible to join the New Resident Club. A one-year membership is $20 per person. For more information, call 574-0806 or visit:

Democratic Club of Cape Coral

The Democratic Club of Cape Coral’s monthly meeting will be at 7 p.m., May 21, at River Towers, 4280 S.E. 20th Place. The guest speaker is James D. Burch, Cape Coral City Council, District No. 1. For more information, call 248-6314.

Neighborhood Watch sign-up meeting

The next new Neighborhood Watch group sign-up meeting will be from 7 to 9 p.m., Thursday, May 22, at the Community Room at the Cape Coral Police Department.

Those interested in starting a neighborhood watch group in their area are urged to attend the sign-up meeting.

Sign-up meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month. For further information, call 573-3048.

Cape Coral Toastmasters

Anyone interested in learning how to speak in public is invited to the Cape Coral Toastmasters’ general meeting at 6:30 p.m, the second and fourth Monday (tonight and May 26) of each month at Cape Coral Hospital, 636 Del Prado Blvd., Auditorium Room A. Check out: or call Elaine at 542-7448 for more information.

Cape Coral Republican Club

The Cape Coral Republican Club will hold its monthly meeting featuring Sheriff Mike Scott and sheriff candidate Rod Shoap at the Cape Coral Realtor’s Building. The social begins at 6:30 p.m., with meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 28. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what’s going on at the sheriff’s department now and in the future. Questions can be asked at this forum.

Ladies of the Elks

The Cape Coral Ladies of the Elks board meeting will be at 9 a.m., Wednesday, May 28, at the Elk Lodge, 4631 S.E. 10th Place. Call 541-9859.

Fort Myers

Southwest Florida Gem, Mineral and Fossil club

The Southwest Florida Gem, Mineral and Fossil Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday. May 27. The public is welcome. All members and visitors are invited to bring specimens to show or to be identified.

The program topic will be “the creation of jewelry,” with speaker Robert Small. He will present his expertise of the innovative process of making jewelry of precious metal clay. Refreshments will be served after the program.

The monthly meetings are now held at the Hughes, Snell & Co.,1470 Royal Palm Square Blvd., on the second floor in Fort Myers. This is located one block behind the Royal Palm Theatre.

For further information call Don Sommerfield at 772-8180.

American Hibiscus Society

The James E. Hendry Chapter of the American Hibiscus Society will hold its 57th Annual Hibiscus Show and Plant Sale from 1 to 4 p.m., on Sunday June 1, at the Araba Shriners, 2010 Hanson St.

There will be more than 700 hybrid plants for sale and more than 1,000 blooms entered from all over the state of Florida. Admission and parking are free. For further information call 466-3562 or visit:

Sailing Singles

Sailing Singles Club will meet for a happy hour at 5 p.m., the first Friday of every month, May through October, at Matanzas Inn upper deck on Fort Myers Beach. For more information, call 573-0141.