
Religion Notes

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Cape Coral

Cape Christian Fellowship

Pastor Wes Furlong begins a new series “Signs” with the message “WE All Need a Map.” This is a four-part series on maximizing change.

Sunday contemporary worship times at 9 and 11 a.m. There are classes for children and youth and a nursery provided during all worship gatherings. The EDGE High school gathering is held on Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m.

Cape Christian Fellowship is located at 2110 Chiquita Blvd., 1/3 mile north of Veteran’s Parkway. For more information, call 772-5683;

Center for Spiritual Living

Center for Spiritual Living, located at 408 S.E. 24th Ave., presents the following programs.

How to Change Your Life in 90 minutes, with speaker, author and humorist, Andy Dooley, Friday, Nov .7, 7:30-8 p.m.

Reclaiming Your Divinity, a spiritual comedy workshop with Andy Dooley, Saturday, Nov. 8, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

For more information call 574-6463.

First Church of God

(Anderson Indiana)

The First Church of God of Cape Coral is a small, multi-cultural place to worship;. Activities are planned for all ages.

On Sunday, Nov. 2, Sunday school for children and adults at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. lead by pastor Jill Dugal with special music by Beth Welsh and the church choir. Open communion at this service. at 6 p.m. Members meet for prayer revival.

Wednesday evening activities begin at 6 p.m. with choir practice followed by kids hour and prayer revival at 7 p.m.

The Women of the Church of God (WCG) meets at 7 .m. on the second Tuesday of the month.

The WCG Christmas bazaar is being held today, Nov. 1, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.

Members (50 and older) and guests meet for fellowship at Young at Heart on the third Thursday of each month for a potluck lunch and program. The next meeting will be Nov. 20.

The church will host a Community Health Fair on Nov. 18, from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

First Church of God is located t 2213 Country Club Blvd., three blocks north of Veteran’s Parkway.

For further information call 574-5271 or visit:; email:

Hope United Methodist Church

Hope United Methodist church is hosting a special program series called Irresistible Invitation-Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God continues:

Nov. 9: The Home of Grace

Nov. 16: Partners in the Gospel

Hope United Methodist Church is located at 2006 Chiquita Blvd., Sundays at 1030 a.m. For information call 574-5570.

Kehilat Aish Chodesh

Kehilat Aish Chodesh (Assembly of the Holy Fire), a Ysharim Int’l.-affiliated congregation recently established and located in Cape Coral, has built a Sukkah for the Cape Coral community members that need a sukkah to enjoy Sukkot in. Call 239-322-7003 for more information.

Basic Hebrew class: A Basic Hebrew reading class will begin Nov. 15. Interested parties should email

Beginning Hebraic/Davidic/Circle Dance class will begin Nov. 18, e-mail for registration.

Turning Point

Church of God

The Turning Point Church of God,currently meeting in the Cape Coral Youth Center 315 S.W. 2nd Ave., has a worship service each Sunday from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m .Senior Pastors, Dennis and Belinda West would like to invite the public to attend. This come as you are congregation has steadily seen growth over the past four weeks.The church is a friendly family congregation that is involved in community projects. For more information on the church, call 281-5350.

Vineyard Community Church

The Vineyard Community Church of Cape Coral is hosting a local flea market in their building on Saturday, Nov. 1.

The Vineyard hosts and funds the program called “Angel Food.” a once-a-month distribution of food purchased during the ordering period for that month. Anyone in the community can purchase about $80 worth of food for $30 through this program. Check it out at: and click on Angel Food.

Another program is their Food Pantry which is open Thursdays from 1=3 p.m. and Saturdays from 9-11 a.m. The Vineyard also provides hot meals on both of these days.

The flea Market itself is today, from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. and is open to everyone in the community.

Vineyard Community Church, will host a Free Family Movie Night on Friday Nov. 7, at 7 p.m. For more information call (239) 470-4328, Web Site:

The Vineyard is located in downtown Cape Coral at 923 S.E. 47th Terrace. Their phone number is 549-8075 for more information on the Flea Market or any of their programs.

Fort Myers

Aglow International

Aglow International Fort Myers Lighthouse next meeting is Saturday, Nov. 8, 9:30 a.m., $7, at Whiskey Creek Country Club 1449 Whiskey Creek Drive, Fort Myers. Continental breakfast.

Th Rev. Lynn Braco, senior pastor at the Fort Myers Christian Outreach will be the featured speaker.

For reservations, call 239- 277-0294.

Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida

This November, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) launch Soul Maps, an ancient yet innovative approach to human psychology.

This exciting new course will be offered at Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida for six Wednesdays evenings starting Nov. 5, or Six Mondays, Monday Nov. 3. The course costs $75.

For further information, contact (Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz,, 239-433-7708)