
Religion Notes

6 min read

Cape Coral

Cape Christian Fellowship

Pastor Dennis Gingerich continues the series “Branded” with the message “Umbrella of Mercy.” This series is a focus on the characteristics of “fruit” that we all want to be known for, including patience and faithfulness, spotlighted this week.

Cape Christian Fellowship has launched a new counseling ministry, Christ Centered Counseling. CCC is staffed by Pastor Jerry Sprague, a master’s level licensed Mental Health Counselor and Teri Ziegler, a certified biblical counselor. They provide counseling based on biblical principles to guide people into a practical perspective in dealing with life’s problems. Services include pre-marital, marital individual and family counseling. For more information or appointments call 772-5683 ext. 224.

Life Changes (Acus) desires to establish a self-perpetuating ever-expanding support group ministry at CCF. We are seeking strong Christians willing to serve those with stressful life-controlling problems like recovery from divorce, grief, substance abuse, co-dependency, spending addictions, mental illness and more.. We seek those with experience in support groups, in teaching, leading worship, hospitality, promotion and administration. Team formation meetings will be held every Tuesday night from 7-8 p.m. beginning June 10.

Cape Christian Fellowship is located at 2110 Chiquita Blvd., 1/3 mile north of Veterans Parkway. For more information, call 772-5683;

Center for

Spiritual Living

Center for Spiritual Living, located at 408 S.E. 24th Ave., presents the following programs.

Drum Circle, will begin meeting at the church on the first and third Fridays for Drum Circle. 7:30 p.m. Spoken and quiet meditation, 7:30 p.m. Drumming Meditation begins.

Spiritual Cinema, last Friday of month, 7:30 p.m.  This month will be as follows:

Elephant’s egg:  (18 min.)  A short film from Cinema Circle which borrows from Salvador Dali ‘S imagination to create a world of strange creatures and lands. 

Planet Earth: (one hour)  This brilliantly-filmed nature documentary reminds us of the magnificence and Oneness of all Creation. 

Daybreak Fellowship

Outdoor Lakeside Service hosted by DayBreak Fellowship will take place Sunday, Oct. 19, at 10 a.m. on the church property located at 2327 S.W. Trafalgar Parkway, Cape Coral. There will be a live praise band and contemporary worship service along with a free continental breakfast. Included in the special family-oriented service will be a time of prayer by the pastors and deacon pastors for all of the children attending. All children are welcome to come forward with their families for a special. For further information, call the church office at 573-9009 or visit the Web site at

Faith Presbyterian Church

Faith Presbyterian Church is hosting a Career Workshop on Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m. at Faith Presbyterian Church. This workshop is free and open to the public. The workshop focuses on changing jobs. Learn: job search techniques that find jobs, how to assemble a resume most likely to be read, and interview skills most likely to produce job offers. Plan to attend if pro-active, want to be ready to find a job if yours disappears, are ready for a change, or to begin a job search now. Faith Presbyterian Church is located at 4544 Coronado Parkway. Reservations by Wednesday, Oct. 22, at noon. (Call 239) 542-2858.

First Church of God

The members of the First Church of God and Iglesia Renacer will join together Sunday, Oct. 19, at 10:30 a.m. to share an inter-cultural celebration of interdenominal worship.

Members cultural roots will be c celebrated with special music, native attire and a parade of flags. The worship service will be conducted in english by Rev. Jill Dugal with a Spanish translator.

Following the service the congregations will share a potluck dinner. Each member will bring food significant to their cultural heritage. Guests are welcome and invited to participate.

The church is located at 2213 Country Club Blvd. For more information, call the church at 574-5271 and/or to register as a participant.

Hope United Methodist Church

Hope United Methodist church is hosting a spacial program series called “Irresistible Invitation-Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God.” Pastor Lee Camahan will begin a six-week series:

Oct. 19: a Love Like No Other

Oct. 26: Alive in Christ

Nov. 9: The Home of Grace

Nov. 16: Partners in the Gospel

Hope United Methodist Church is located at 2006 Chiquita blvd., Sundays at 1030 a.m. For more information call 574-5570.

Kehilat Aish Chodesh

Kehilat Aish Chodesh (Assembly of the Holy Fire), a Ysharim Int’l.-affiliated congregation recently established and located in Cape Coral, has built a Sukkah for the Cape Coral community members that need a sukkah to enjoy Sukkot in. Call 239-322-7003 for more information.

Basic Hebrew class: A Basic Hebrew reading class will begin Nov. 15. Interested parties should email

Beginning Hebraic/ Davidic/Circle Dance class will begin Nov. 18th, Email for registration.

Turning Point

Church of God

The Turning Point Church of God, a new congregation that currently is meeting in the Cape Coral Youth Center at 315 S.W. 2nd Ave. in Cape Coral has planned an exciting service on Sunday, Nov. 3, at 10 a.m. when Chris Wallace, current Florida Firecat Quarterback shares his testimony. Pastor D & Belinda West invite the area to attend. For more information, please call 281-5350

The church continues to participate in the Cape Coral Parks & Rec Co-Ed Church League.

Fort Myers

The New Church

Does the Bible have relevance for you in your life today? Do you wonder why the Bible talks of war and destruction if God is love? Do you want to pray with others for God’s direction in your life? Bible study groups starting soon. Wednesday evenings, Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings in South Fort Myers. Call for more information call 239-481-5535.

Word of Life Church

Gather together for worship, declaration and proclamation over our Southwest Florida region. Hosted by Southwest florida pastors and Leaders at Clemente Park Sunday, Oct. 26, from 3-5 p.m. Spiritual Warfare conference at Word of Life Church Thursday and friday, Oct. 30 and 31. Register at 239-274-8881. Word of Life is located at 2120 Collier ave., fort Myers.

Catholic Christies

Hispanic Services of Catholic Charities will be dedicated to and renamed the Elizabeth Kay Galeana Center on Saturday, Oct. 18, at a special ceremony honoring the family for its long-time support of Catholic charities of Lee County. The event will be held at the Catholic Charities office at 4235 Michigan Avenue Link in Fort Myers, from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Frank J. Dewane, the leader of the Catholic Diocese of Venice, will be the guest of honor and bless the newly renamed facility. For more information, call 239-337-4193.

Knights of Columbus

Fr. C. Gaynor Assembly-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus 22nd installation of officers Sunday, Oct. 26, 5 p.m., at Cape Coral Elk’s Lodge. Donation, $27.50 per person. For information call Ed Johnson, 772-4275 or 541-7131.