
Cape Coral Kiwanis elect new president

2 min read

The Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Cape Coral have a new president.

Jim Docker took the helm of the Kiwanis Club for 2008-2009 at an installation banquet last Tuesday night at the Shriners’ Lodge. He replaces Marshall McLean, who will serve the club and foundation in the post of immediate past president.

Other officers who were sworn in during the ceremony are Robert M. Neeld, as president-elect; Trudy Hitchison , as vice president; Carol May as club secretary; and Jerry Levy, as treasurer.

Three new members were also seated on the Kiwanis Club’s Board of Directors to serve three-year terms. They are Larry St. Amand, Ann Vaughn and Don Czech.

Division 19 Lt. Gov. Kathy Woolston officiated during the installation. Bob Day, past club president, served as Master of Ceremonies.

The Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Cape Coral is the Cape’s oldest service organization. It returns more than $350,000 in net profit back to the community each year annually in the form of scholarships and charitable gifts to worthy community groups.

The club’s philanthropic goals are obtained through its two Thrift Store operations.

During his remarks, Docker stated the Club and Foundation’s philanthropic practices should be directed towards giving more to organization in the Cape, and elsewhere in Lee County, who are financially struggling to provide vital services for children, and others, with special needs.

“We have to narrow our giving focus – and give substantially more to organization on the front line of the economic downturn,” Docker stated.

One area where Kiwanians can make a difference is to set up finances and support for children who cannot otherwise keep their doctors’ appointment because they and their parents or guardians lack timely transportation.

“Our natural partners in this venture would be the Shriners and the Winning Kids’ Club. Here’s where we all can really make a difference,” Docker said.