
Hard work pays off for valedictorians

4 min read

Thousands of Lee County students will be entering a new chapter of their lives this weekend after they graduate from high school, receive their diplomas and turn the tassels on their mortarboard caps. For the first time ever, the school district will streamline all of the graduations from May 31 to June 1.

At the forefront of each graduation ceremony is a student that has worked hard to achieve the highest grade point average, involve themselves in activities that change their school or community, and make plans to better their lives — the valedictorians.

Here are the experiences and aspirations of these exemplary students:

n Zachary Propert, Cape Coral High School

While in high school Zachary had been active in extracurricular activities and sports. He graduated with a 5.02 weighted GPA and will attend the prestigious University of Pennsylvania in September, majoring in both political science and economics.

He was actively involved in Mu Alpha Theta, Academic Team, Thespian Society, the National Art Honor Society and the National Honor Society and Model United Nations.

Earlier this school year, Cape Coral High attended a Model United Nations conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and came in first place, and were recognized as the “best large delegation.”

For the last 10 years Zachary has been fencing with the Southwest Florida Fencing Academy in Fort Myers and he was recruited by the varsity fencing team at the University of Pennsylvania.

When he addresses Cape Coral High graduates this weekend he will be talking about all of the great memories, but also about everyone’s obligation to reach out and help those that are less privileged.

“Our obligation as citizens of America is to reach out and help those that are underprivileged,” he said.

n Katie Acord,

Ida S. Baker High School

According to Katie, the Mock Trial team was the most challenging activity she participated in because of the intense research and preparation to prepare for the competition.

Since she had to switch off between acting as a prosecutor and defense attorney during the mock trials, she spent the first part of the year learning the procedures and demeanor of an attorney. The school’s team made it to the finals but was defeated by Fort Myers High.

She is graduating with a 4.0 GPA non-weighted and a 5.0 weighted GPA. She also was active on the Academics Team and the National Honor Society.

This summer she will attend the University of Notre Dame on an Air Force ROTC scholarship where she will major in aerospace engineering. After she graduates from Notre Dame, Katie will have to serve for four years in the armed forces.

“I want to build planes and do whatever they tell me to do,” she said.

n Lizeth Hernandez, Mariner High School

Lizeth will graduate from Mariner High with a 3.98 non-weighted GPA and 4.8 weighted GPA. While in high school she focused on the sciences, and plans on majoring in chemistry and biology at the University of Florida.

She took advanced placement chemistry and biology at Mariner High and also was involved in the dual enrollment program at Edison College where she took chemistry.

Lizeth was active in the National Honor Society, the Executive Council, Spanish Honor Society and played tennis.

When she addresses the graduates of Mariner this weekend she will remember the past and congratulate all of the graduates for what they’ve accomplished.

“Try everything you can and if it doesn’t work to keep trying until you get what you want,” she said.

n Morgan Bergau, Bishop Verot High School

While Bishop Verot doesn’t have a valedictorian, Morgan was pointed out as having one of the highest grade point averages and being given the title of Summa Cum Laude. She will be graduating with a 4.4 weighted GPA and a 3.99 non-weighted GPA.

She was active in the National Honor Society, Students Against Destructive Decisions, the International Club, the Spanish Honor Society, Art Club and the Latin Dance Club.

Most of her time was spent volunteering in the community through the National Honor Society. She volunteered to tutor other students at Bishop Verot, prepare meals for the Ronald McDonald House and sorted donations for the Harry Chapin Food Bank.

In August she will attend the University of Florida as an undeclared major. She joined 10 other Summa Cum Laude students at the Bishop Verot graduation ceremony earlier this month. Each student talked about their high school memories and Morgan led a prayer.