
Cultural Park Theatre to stage ‘Singin’ in the Rain’

2 min read

Adapted from the 1952 movie of the same name starring the legendary Gene Kelly, “Singin’ in the Rain” is set to make its debut at Cultural Park Theatre on April 11, running through April 27.

According to the show synopsis, the plot line centers around Don Lockwood, a silent film star with humble roots as a musician, dancer and stunt man. Don barely tolerates his leading lady, Lina Lamont, who is convinced that their screen romance is real. After the first talking picture, “The Jazz Singer,” proves to be a smash hit, the head of the studio, R. F. Simpson, decides he has no choice but to convert the new Lockwood and Lamont film, The Dueling Cavalier, into a talkie. The production is beset with difficulties, by far the worst being Lina’s comically grating voice.

“This is just a great musical comedy which depicts the craziness that Hollywood went through during the transition from silent to talking pictures,” said Bob Fiegenblatt, who plays Roscoe Dexter, the director of the film. “And it takes you through the tribulations of what lengths we go through to make the sound better.”

The production which is being directed by Lois Kehne has a cast with about 20 speaking parts. The leading lady is played by Annette Percival, who has both stared and directed shows at the theater previously.

“She is going to give a great performance,” said Fiegenblatt. “She is going to end up stealing the show.”

Spot Carpenter plays the leading man, Don Lockwood who has starred in the previous Cultural Park production, “Music Man,” and directed “Mame.” Sean David plays Cosmo, the leading man’s best friend.

“His performance performance is really energetic,” said Fiegenblatt. “If Annette doesn’t steal the show then he will.”

Performance dates for the show include: April 11, 12, 13-18, 19, 20-25, 26, 27 with two shows on the 12, 19 and 26. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or by calling 772-5862.

“This is going to be a great show. People will really have a good time,” said Fiegenblatt. “The music will bring you back to those days gone by. It is one of the greatest movie musicals of all time.”

Cultural Park Theatre is located at 528 Cultural Park Blvd. Ticket prices are $15 for adults, $14 for seniors and $10 for students.