
Gulf Coast Society of Fund Raising Executives meeting Nov.11

1 min read

The Gulf Coast Society of Fund Raising Executives will hold its monthly luncheon meeting and program on Tuesday, Nov. 11 beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre.

The group hosts a panel of experts to discuss how to mobilize, motivate and energize an organization’s board to help their non-profit fulfill its mission and goals.

Panelists including Jan Fifer of Special Equestrians, Inc., community volunteer Freda Jones, Honora Jacobus, a commercial realtor with Woodyard & Associates, Bill Gunnin, CEO of Boys and Girls Club of Lee County and board member Greg Brock of Market Distribution Leader, Carolyn Moore the Executive Director of Island Coast AIDS Network, Inc. (ICAN) and board member, Steven Bernstein, an investment advisor with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., will ne featured

Lunch is $16 for GCFSRE members and $20 for non-members. Reservations are required by Nov. 5th.

For membership or other GCFSRE information, visit us at: To make reservations please call Nida Eluna at 332-5346 or email her at