
Local lawn care company to aid single moms

2 min read

A local lawn care company wants to lend a helping hand to single moms in the Cape by offering them free lawn care.

The program, called “Three Lawns for Single Moms,” gives single mothers free lawn maintenance for every three new accounts opened.

Pillar Lawn Care and Landscaping owner Brad Zachritz said he got the idea while servicing a single mother’s lawn.

“The idea was thought up because we had a few single moms who were doing lawn service with us, but having trouble paying,” Zachritz said. “I started thinking of ways to help them and as I was mowing their yards, I came up with the idea.”

Zachritz added that the current economic crunch has been especially hard on single mothers, forcing them to cut corners where necessary. Things like lawn maintenance are some of the first to go.

“Everyone is trying to make it in Cape Coral. Families are struggling, and single moms don’t have the option of two incomes,” He added. “It’s a way to help them, and help the community and increase business. It’s a win-win.”

A student pastor at Crosspoint Christian Church, Zachritz started Pillar Lawn Care last September as a way to make extra money. His wife Abby was pregnant and he wanted her to stay home and not have to work. They have lived in the Cape for two years, though Zachritz has lived in Lee County his entire life.

For single moms interested in free lawn care they simply have to register online or call Pillar Lawn Care and register over the phone.

There is no time limit on opening new accounts. As soon as three are opened — whether it be a week, or a month — a single mom gets recurring monthly lawn service, free of charge.

“We have one single mom we’re servicing right now,” Zachritz said. “And we’re one account away from helping out our second single mother.”

Only a month old, the program also allows mothers to bring in new accounts.

“Were going to allow them to get those three lawns,” Zachritz said.

For more information or to register for free lawn maintenance, call Brad and Abby Zachritz at 239-282-9535, or 239-940-0773.

Or visit their Web site at